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D. E. Martínez
Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
Vol. 01 No. 014 (2015), Articles (open section), pages 103-127
Submitted: Dec 4, 2018 Accepted: Dec 4, 2018
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This article has been made on the basis of the research carried out in the framework of my PhD studies in Economic Sciences in which I have addressed the study of the efficient management of Public Universities supported on the theoretical basis of productivity, taking as starting point the case of the National University of the Matanza of the Argentine Republic. The objective is to express in this synthesis, the criteria, conceptualizations, indicators and indices that, according to the results of the cited study, prioritize academic excellence. The method of the research here abbreviated has been of a quantitative nature corresponding to a hypothetical deductive design.
The Institution alluded to, has developed since its inception a functional structure corresponding to an alternative model that implies a new conception about the organization and university management. This new paradigm privileges a Public University with Academic Decentralization and Administrative Centralization.
The development of measures that promote an effective and sustainable university management and the consensus on the way in which the indicators measure it, constitute topics of relevance in the agendas of universities and governments. The improvement of a system of indicators associated with the results of the management of the universities, allows responding to social imperatives in the framework of public policies.
I present in this article the synthesized results obtained in the aforementioned research, exposing the conclusion of the same, with the purpose of opening lines of research and management based on efficiency and quality in university studies.


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