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Diego Apolo Buenaño
Maria Victoria Altamirano Barriga
Verónica Estefanía Vásconez Cadena
María Isabel Cevallos Darquea
Vol. 01 No. 014 (2015), Articles (open section), pages 3-19
Submitted: Dec 4, 2018 Accepted: Dec 4, 2018
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Today, due to new technologies, accessibility and frequent use of social networks by customers and consumers, companies have seen the need to develop strategies and implement plans that allow managing your digital identity. The consumer has become a messenger of companies due to the content you create on the web about them, becoming a key player in the process of marketing and communication of these. Furthermore, the relevance to consider in planning strategies to company employees is evident; because they are permanent spokesmen activities carried out, which helps strengthen categories such as corporate image and reputation, without neglecting since marketing have been evidenced cases mentioned in this article, the same who contributed to the achievement of objectives through to understand the importance of creating digital media centers or social contact center with great success.


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