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Diego Rodríguez-Toubes Muñiz
University of Vigo
Jaime Álvarez de la Torre
University of A Coruna
Vol. 01 No. 011 (2013), Articles (open section), pages 137-161
Submitted: Nov 30, 2018 Accepted: Nov 30, 2018
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The incidence of risks and hazards in tourist destinations has increased and is expected to continue to grow over time. The risks can affect the normal operation of a tourist destination leading to a crisis situation. Due to its nature, tourism is vulnerable to a broader range of crisis than other industries, but thanks to his characteristics it recovers better and faster and it becomes a traction element in the destination recovery. The importance of communication and information in these scenarios is critical to the point that their integration into the management plans of the crisis is the basis for a quick and effective recovery. Three brief case studies provide lights to approach this issue.


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