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Ernesto Barrera
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Vol. 01 No. 010 (2013), Articles (open section), pages 21-49
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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The term heritage identifies the land and, thus, certain food. It refers to a complex long term resource that is strongly grounded in the past but that it is also forecasted into the future. The goal of this paper is to enhance food heritage and shape food trails into a community inclusive business through tourism positioning and the development of their image and demand. Heritage is the result of the interaction between the productive clusters’ different social groups, and provides the cultural resources for each food trail. A truly representative product is inconceivable without its main social actors.This article conducts a literature review with the aim of identifying the key drivers of food trails success, and emphasizing their inclusive approach which is particularly, but not only, required in Latin America. Nine main factors were identified: coordination of the route, government support, critical mass of supply, diversity of experiences offered, quality, topic consistency among a route, offering souvenirs, market demand and inclusiveness.
A main issue on this analysis is the definition of who should be benefit by food trails’ development. Trail intended to be exclusive, usually disregard the most vulnerable actors from their cultural heritage. Moreover, not inclusive trail may be harmful to the community, and even more in Latinamerica, a region signed by agrarian conflicts.


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