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Gladys Caridad Seguí León
Universidad de Pinar del Rio
Daymelis Rodríguez Miló
Universidad de Pinar del Rio
Vol. 02 No. 09 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 29-61
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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The principles and requirements picked up in the Marketing like science that studies the commercial exchange among the entities main characters of the same one, impose to all entity of services the necessity to control the levels of satisfaction that have their clients with regard to the services that it offers. The "Vueltabajo" hotel carries out a procedure for the collection of this information through the application of a survey and the use of a book of Clients' opinion.
Carried out Inquiries allowed to corroborate the existent restlessness about therelevancy and sufficiency of the same one. The present investigation, which leaves of a diagnosis directed to remark the limitations of the survey and of the opinion book, it demonstrates the necessity of a procedure that allows to pick up in an exact way the states of the clients' opinion with regard to the services that are offered in the installation. It is the fundamental cause that guides the author of their work to propose a procedure that allows to measure with more precision of the clients' level of satisfaction in the hotel, from the aspects of the Marketing that pay at these levels and that potenciete the exchange of information between the client and the company that are the sessions in depth in essence. In it the main characteristics are presented for their execution in the mark of the installation, the steps are indicated to continue to carry out the sessions, a new form is applied of examining the obtained results and the aspects are designed to try in the sessions in depth. It accompanies this a model previously applied to a group pilotage to check their high dependability.
It represents a valuable contribution due to the results that it has more than enough the knowledge of the levels of the client's satisfaction they are expected with their application, which will propitiate to be able to prosecute all the efforts and to use better all the resources for the sake of a bigger well-being for the clients, reason of being and end of all installation of services.


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