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Ricardo Mena
Instituto Superior entre Douro e Vouga
Vol. 02 No. 08 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 3-19
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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The brand communication is a concrete strategy of organization when this defines its goals, which messages you want to pass as well as what targets to reach. This article focuses on some authors and focuses on the importance of brand communication occupies in the definition of the Organization's strategy. In particular in the statement of the research project, that methodology to new approach for Brand Tree Method, which integrates 3 ´ S and does the merger between the research, the intended differentiation and the implementation of the project. The experience of the investigator in the creation, management and deployment of brands allowed the construction of brands allowed the construction of a methodology that takes the brand as an active and integral part of the company. Is in this sense that it proposes a new methodology of creating and managing brands called ´ 3 s.


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