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Raúl Eguizábal
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vol. 01 No. 09 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 91-129
Submitted: Nov 28, 2018 Accepted: Nov 28, 2018
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The objective of the study of myths is the compression of the culture, and advertising is one of the essential ingredients of our culture. The aim of this article is the attempt to explain the mechanisms of functioning of advertising through its consideration as a form of myth or better as a factory of contemporary myths.
Our target part of a hypothesis: the advertising is creator of myths. In the first part, carry out a series of classic scientific operations that help us to focus the problem: define, classify, theorize. In the second our discourse will move within the paradigm of the meaning, in the field of semiology, the iconology, anthropology and the structural analysis of the story.
In conclusion, laying down that advertising can be explained in terms of myths; It is effective in that it uses resources (mechanisms of the myth) who have served since the dawn of civilization, to fit the behavior from the citizens to a situation, to a state of things that, in our case, is the one of a civilization of the consumption. The form to be perpetuated that it has that civilization, is by means of the resource to a series of mythical stories that we called announcements or advertising, by which exists “a better” world (a bourgeois paradise) that is put to our reach through the merchandise.


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