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José Luis Saavedra Torres
University of Zulia
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Vol. 01 No. 08 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 133-148
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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The purpose of the article is to analyze the application of the Place Branding as tool of Public Diplomacy in the international strategy of States. A  bibliographical review is done to linking three theoretical bodies: Place Branding concept, the dualistic theory of Kagan (2003) hard power and Nye (2004) soft power, and the conceptions of Postmodern State (Noya, 2005) and Van Ham (2008).
Concluding that Place Branding has the power to transmit values that legitimized in an international context could influence national decisions. This process is an explicable across the constructivism concept, where a theoretical void is showed to explain these mechanisms in contexts of regional, continental and / or world spectrum


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