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Antón R. Castromil
Complutense University of Madrid
Palmira Chavero
Complutense University of Madrid
Vol. 01 No. 08 (2012), Articles (open section), pages 55-81
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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According to Hallin and Mancini (2004), Spain is part of a tipology of media system called Polarized Pluralism. One of the main feature of this model is a close relation between media and politic system, which produces very political media. This paper continues previous works (Castromil, 2008) where we tried to prove the partidism of Spanish press in the 2008 General Elections and the way of execute it: by a negative coverage against the adversary leader or party. This article wants to be more exhaustive and study not only a comparison between right-wing press (El Mundo, ABC) and left-wing press (El País, Público), but internal differences and similarities in each one of them. For this claim, we do an exhaustive study of these four newspapers between april 15th and may 25th 2011, analyzing the full information about electoral campaign.


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