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Rita Oliveira
CETAC.MEDIA – Universidade de Aveiro
Telmo Silva
CETAC.MEDIA – Universidade de Aveiro
Abreu de Jorge Ferraz
CETAC.MEDIA – Universidade de Aveiro
Ana Margarida Almeida
CETAC.MEDIA – Universidade de Aveiro
Vol. 03 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 125-154
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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The interactive audio description (AD) services, which currently exist, may be subject to a set of improvements in order to provide a more efficient adjustment to the visually impaired users’ context. Actually, the interactive features inherent to these services, supported by different television platforms, focus mainly in audio description activation option and alerts when a program with audio description is started. However, the existing television broadcasting infrastructures, if they are complemented with a return channel and adapted Set-Top Boxes (STB), strengthen the interesting opportunity to create an interactive audio description (AD) service that integrates advanced features that can be automatically adjusted to users’ preferences. It is in this context that we propose the development of an interactive audio description service, which is complemented with a user automatic identification system. With this complementary approach, the service can be dynamically
adjusted to the preferences of the user who is in fact watching television, invoking, automatically, the options that were previously selected in the related configurations. Once that are different ways to implement an identification system, it was carried out a set of interviews, at Instituto Oftalmológico Dr. Gama Pinto –IOGP, in Lisbon, in order to determine the most suitable identification method for visually impaired users. The interviews were carried out to 20 patients of the low vision appointment. From the obtained results, it was possible to conclude that there is a tendency for two identification methods, namely the use of an RFID card and a fingerprint reader.


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