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Carmen Echazarreta
Grupo de investigación ARPA
Manel Vinyals
Grupo de investigación ARPA
Teresa Gema Martín
Grupo de investigación ARPA
Vol. 03 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 37-59
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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Social networks are creating a wide network of communications, at different levels and with different objectives. In this paper we analyze a specific case, the result of observation and monitoring of a group created to defend just a competition for access to public secondary school-teachers. This is a group created in response to a number of possible irregularities. Interesting to observe both the creation of the group as the different phases that follows the evolution, linked to the effectiveness of communication processes, and linking the latter to the possibilities of action and conflict resolution at the base of the group.


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