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Beatriz Peña Acuña
Universidad Católica San Antonio
Vol. 02 No. 07 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 3-24
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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This paper seeks to address socio-cultural aspects unknown to program the presence of social networks and shown interest in the social policy field in general. First, we want to trace how the concept of "net" (net) it is being designed and contextualized within the framework of the emergence of technological wonder as Internet. Second, we provide a philosophical basis examines two perspectives on the nature of what they themselves are social networks in terms of real-virtual relationship that exists between stakeholders.
Third, we expose new researches about the psychosocial effects of the use of cyberspace through opinions and studies, in general, and social networks in particular. Fourth, we examine how the usage of social networks can popularize the enhancement of social events and cultural events, ultimately, how it builds
new areas of expansion in different social environments.
In support of the text has sought a philosophical underpinning to provide a basis for inquiry and social-cultural psychological later. It has also made a description of the social networking phenomenon and a review of the literature on the effects it can have on society. In addition, a previous study had collateral on the social networking phenomenon refers to political movements. This study seeksto theorize and suggest possible avenues of influence that can make the networks. As a result we noted that networks facilitate a platform for interaction and social organization that plays while adapting to the social nature of man.
Also it is sighted that nets can give a suitable social learning and social construction in a global world of rapid change and ethical behavior.
However, some authors do not give much importance to networks or its effects,
despite the political events of the 11-M tested in Spain and the recent social
transgressions of some Arab countries under tyranny. Moreover some authors
insist on the digital divide between developed and underdeveloped countries.


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