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Silvia Mondelo López
Unviersity of A Coruna
Magadalena Rodríguez Fernández
Univesidade da Coruña
Vol. 01 No. 06 (2011), Articles (open section), pages 59-83
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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The Way of St. James has been consolidating over the years into one of the most important tourist attractions of Galicia. Proof of this is that many of the visitors of the Autonomous Region have come directly or indirectly through this ancient pilgrimage route.Indeed, one of the key aspects when to share the road both domestically and internationally have been the various communication and promotion campaigns developed in this regard. That is why the aim of this paper is based on analyzing the promotion that took place about the Way of St. James as a tourism product, drawing particular reference the actions developed during the last Holy Year or Xacobeo 2010.  To carry out this research, the methodology used is based on the use of primary sources, which have been based on the design and conduct in-depth interviews with a group of people linked in one way or another, with the Way of St. James and its communication.


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