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Francisco Aguadero Fernández
Vol. 01 No. 05 (2010), Articles (open section), pages 53-70
Submitted: Nov 26, 2018 Accepted: Nov 26, 2018
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The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a discipline under construction and it comes with great contributions and also questions to be resolve. This article invites to reflect on any of these questions, analyzes the discipline’s situation, as well as role of the terminology and language environment of CSR in the context of the organizations. It proposes the use of an standardized terminology inside the company or institution as a tool for managing relations with interest groups and society, that tries to find a better understanding and a for the smooth running of each company or specific institution, as well as for the corporate and institutional sustainability. The language’s management is an important part for the optimal use of intangible assets and of any organization'sintellectual capital. The company should not evolve a change in perspective and management model, but towards a new role that can be beneficial for themselves, for stakeholders and society in general, it should aim to be a "citizen enterprise".  But it is clear that for both of business and institutions, CSR is a path that it should be done step by step. There is no standardized models or pure stadiums to follow them in the same way. It is important that each finds its model, following it getting in touch with the stakeholders and society by means of a transparent and accountable communication. 


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Article Details


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