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María Isabel Sánchez Hernández
Universidad de Extremadura
Francisco Javier Miranda González
Universidad de Extremadura
Vol. 01 No. 02 (2009), Articles (open section), pages 37-53
Submitted: Nov 21, 2018 Accepted: Nov 21, 2018
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Convinced that human capital is the most important source of competitive advantage in markets (Penrose, 1959), and bearing in mind that academic literature advocate toanalyse which kind of factors determine success in new service development process do not consider directly the application of internal marketing programmes, the aim of this paper is discover its relative relevance in this research area. To achieve this objective, we have considered the following stages. Firstly, we have recollected papers in international journals included in JCR (Journal Citation Report) index, related to innovation in services. Secondly, we have selected papers devoted to success factors. Finally, we have classified the different factors discovered into five main groups following the De Brentani (1995) and Johnson et al. (2000) categories. Once the general topic of internal marketing or related instruments (like internal communication) or philosophical background (like market orientation) appeared, we have noticed. As conclusion, we observe that internal marketing considerations are in fact treated as an emergent factor of success in new service development process able to become the centre of attention in the nearest future


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