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Antonio Roveda Hoyos
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Vol. 01 No. 01 (2009), Articles (open section), pages 291-321
Submitted: Nov 21, 2018 Accepted: Nov 21, 2018
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It could be said that past, present and future of professional education in Communication and Journalism in Latin America is so recent and complex as diffuse and distressing. In the processes of learning this discipline usually primes curricular improvisation, context ignoring (labor, politics, economy, society and even techniques of the profession and sciences), forgetting the pertinent research and, obviously, the impact of professionals and discipline field in society. The “education in strategic thought” is not today a priority in the construction of the university curricles. This fact perseveres in an atavistic way over the distance between the formation in the academy and the needs of the context. If the academy persists in ignoring the labor context, social, politic, etc. and, at the same time, the context, business, industry, media and labor sceneries do not count on academy, then we are educating without relevance (and in forgetfulness) with a very low impact, coherence and service to change and social developments of our people.


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