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Rocío Gómez-Juncal
Universidad de Vigo
Silvia García
Cristina Varela
Vol. Extr., núm. 07 (2015) - XIII CIG-PP, XIII Congreso Internacional G-P de Psicopedagogía. Área 7: FORMACIÓN Y TRANSICIÓN PARA EL MUNDO DEL TRABAJO, pages 001-007
Submitted: Apr 24, 2015 Accepted: Aug 14, 2015 Published: Nov 14, 2015
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Social skills of communication, as cognitive abilities that are demanding ever more strongly in the information society today, where change is constant and require an adaptation to themselves fluently and versatile capabilities that are necessary to know deeply in its development, as companies increasingly value the most, and its importance so that may make a difference in getting a job. Before curriculums similar social skills tend to decant the balance towards candidates who stand for "skills" as security in the same or emotional control. For all the above, we consider that the intervention in improving the knowledge of the potential of newly graduates, placed in the best place in achieving a post employment tailored to their needs, so help them achieve optimal presentation of your professional profile, get prepare your dossier of work performed during their university education, managing the present in a way that conveys security or employer will make the newly graduates are in a position of advantage against others like it had not received such training. In this research work aims to compare two groups of graduates, which differ in social skills training professionals, the differences in labor incorporation in different areas: waiting time for incorporation, quality and adaptation to it, understanding that educational intervention will impact the success in professional incorporating, successful and self-awareness in this regard.


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