An influential actor with an interest in educational models foreigners: José Maria Eugénio de Almeida (1811-1872)




Casa Pia de Lisboa, José Maria Eugénio de Almeida, pedagogical exchange of ideas, fact-finding tours, graded education


The article explores the social and historical background of the educational activities of José Maria Eugénio de Almeida (1811-1872), a prestigious member of the Portuguese economic and political elite of the mid-nineteenth century. The study highlights the context of the international exchange of ideas and Eugénio de Almeida’s particular interest in the German state education systems of the period. His fact-finding tours to some of these states laid the groundwork for the process of pedagogical renewal undertaken at Casa Pia de Lisboa, the educational institution he led for nearly fifteen years (1859-1872). The aim of the study is to assess the impact of this foreign ‘contact’ on the Portuguese education system of the time and to examine the construction of an alternative educational reality (that of Casa Pia de Lisboa) based on a foreign model. In line with Mary S. Morgan’s research on models as experimental things, the study reveals the successful transmission of Eugénio de Almeida’s foreign innovations with the adaptations and accommodations typical of any context of reception.


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How to Cite

Manique da Silva, C. (2020). An influential actor with an interest in educational models foreigners: José Maria Eugénio de Almeida (1811-1872). Sarmiento. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Historia Da Educación, 24, 13–28.


