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Francisco Miguel Araújo
Faculty of Letters of the University of Oporto
Vol. 23 (2019), Miscellany, pages 213-232
Submitted: Dec 25, 2019 Published: Dec 25, 2019
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The Deutsche Schule zu Porto, founded in 1901, is one of the oldest functioning foreign schools in Portugal. During its more than a century-long existence, it has undergone many changes, in step with political and educational developments in both its homeland and its host country. This article offers a brief institutional history of the school at different times in its history, including a brief relocation to Galicia. The analysis highlights the modernity and innovation of its pedagogical models and educational goals, and sheds new light on the cosmopolitan paradigm born of its simultaneous responsiveness to developments within the German education system and its ongoing process of acculturation to life in Portugal.


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Fontes documentais

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