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Rosa María Cid Galante
Universidade de Vigo
Xose Manuel Cid Fernández
Universidade de Vigo
Vol. 16 (2012), Miscellany, pages 121-142
Submitted: Sep 14, 2018 Accepted: Sep 14, 2018 Published: Oct 11, 2013
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The Schools of Ave-María, created by Andrés Manjón toward the end XIX century and beginnings of the XX and allocated to the boys economically more disadvantaged, conformed a style and philosophy of education-learning very different to what was usual at that time in the small schools of primary. Although the means were not many, they were very important for the pedagogical principles and the methods of education, practical and active methods, which enabled a significant learning. These schools were created all along the
Spanish geography reaching Ourense too where we have proof of his creation and location, as well as of the arrival of teachers who carried out their work in the province and who studied in the Teacher Training Schools of Ave-María. We are before an interesting study for our province that, firstly, deepens into the principles governing the Schools of Ave María throught the reading of the books written by the founder Andrés Manjón, and secondly, thanks to important documents found in the Archive of the University of Santiago an in the Archive of the City council of Ourense, we discovered the school of Ave María which was created in the city of Ourense and those who were its promoters and we managed to know the building destined to this school, built by the Architect from Ourense Váquez Gulías.


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