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Rui Ramos
University of Minho
Vol. 12 (2011), Articles, pages 155-176
Published: May 17, 2011
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Contributions to the characterisation of the environmental rhetoric in the Portuguese general press. In the framework of discourse analysis, this text describes and analyzes some of the functional and configurational aspects of a concise corpus of newspaper articles which deal with the issue of the environment. It aims to identify some of the most significant mechanisms which act as the basis for the construction of this type of discourse, namely interdiscoursivity with scientific discourse, its didacticity markers and directive nature, the dramatisation it creates, the evaluative modalisation of the enunciator and the balance between the argumentative and emotional aspects upon which it is based. In this way, the objective of this paper is to provide a valid contribution to the characterisation of environmental rhetoric in the current Portuguese general press, at a time when environmentalism is one of the most relevant discourses in the national public sphere.


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