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M. Antònia Martí Antonín
Universitat de Barcelona
Montserrat Civit Torruella
CLiC - Centre de Llenguatge i Computació
Mariona Taulé Delor
Universitat de Barcelona
Vol. 5 (2004), Articles, pages 107-139
Published: May 17, 2004
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In the last years, research on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing has led to Language Technologies, whose main goal is to develop computer systems capable to recognize, understand and generate human languages in all their forms. For this purpose, several applications have been developed, such as MachineTranslation, Information Retrieval and Information Extraction or Document Classification. These applications process the language in order to ease access to knowledge, its organization or its transmission, activities needed by our Information Society. As in other disciplines, Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing have gone from a first period of basic, experimental research to another in which new products and real applications have to be created, in order to solve interaction problems. This means that we need to develop systems and resources capable to deal with unrestricted language, that is, broad-coverage systems and resources. This paper presents an introduction to linguistics resources as well as the main applications being developed nowadays in the Language Technologies framework. More concretely, it emphasizes morphological analyzers, taggers, syntactic parsers, computational lexicons and linguistic annotated corpora. As for applications, stress is laid on Information Retrieval, Information Extraction and Machine Translation.


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