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Francisco Dubert García
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 5 (2004), Articles, pages 53-78
Published: May 17, 2004
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The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the lexical character of the thematic vowel of Galician verbs. With this aim, first I will try to show that the thematic vowel lacks a primarily inflectional nature; second, that the inflectional uses of the thematic vowel are secondary and not distinct from the inflectional uses of the root vowels, so that their lexical status remains unaffected; third, that the anomalous behavior of the thematic vowels in the regular verbs can be explained by different types of phonological processes. In fact, the thematic vowel will be considered the result of a phonological well-formedness condition of the verbal themes. In that sense, the thematic vowel cannot be considered a morpheme or a minimal sign, but a mere phonological formative of the sign’s significant.


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