The International Journal of Arts-Based Educational Research applies and encourages the use of ethical guidelines in the process of writing, reviewing and publishing manuscripts. Given the educational and social implications of the topics addressed by the journal, authors must be especially careful when presenting data, describing and analysing the characteristics of the participants, omitting personal details that are irrelevant to the hypotheses or findings of the research. This implies special attention to representing the diversity of research participants, as well as respecting and acknowledging their identities. Authors should ensure that writing is free of bias, stereotypes or generalising cultural assumptions.

Whenever possible (and not relevant to the results of the research), the use of neutral and collective linguistic formulas is recommended, avoiding the systematic use of the masculine. Some examples would be the substitution of "children" for "childhood", "pupils" for "student body" or "teachers" for "teaching staff". If a neutral term is not possible, splitting is recommended, i.e. using the masculine and feminine nouns together ("girls and boys", "teachers", "teachers", "educators", "students", etc.).

These guidelines are intended as a point of reference that can be consulted, in case of doubt, directly with the IJABER editorial team.