Original and innovative work developed by artists, teachers and arts educators who develop Arts-Based Educational Research in their professional field.

Priority in IJABER will be given to educational research projects inspired by current debates in contemporary art related to:

  1. Arts-Based Research Methodologies.
  2. Learning with contemporary art.
  3. Reflections on the possibilities of contemporary Art Education.
  4. Educational discourses of a hybrid text-image nature.
  5. Defence of Human Rights through the arts.
  6. Artivism(s) and collective/social movements.
  7. Actions in institutional collaboration between educational centres and art centres.
  8. Citizen participation and community art.
  9. Sustainability and Eco-justice from an artistic-educational point of view.
  10. Recovery of pioneering artistic practices and their visual archive.
  11. Application of audiovisual technologies, photography, video and digital art in education.