
This journal accepts papers written in English or Spanish, but its publication consists of both languages.

  • Once the article has been accepted, it will be necessary to submit the academic translation of the article, in English or Spanish as appropriate.
  • Whatever the language of writing, Title, Abstract and Keywords will be in English and Spanish.



It is recommended that the title be brief and concise, making direct reference to the content of the paper, for better indexing.
It will have a maximum of 6 words. It is possible to add a subtitle to complement it, with no word limit and with the possibility of using more evocative language.



Images in the text and captions will be referred to as Image and the corresponding number (Image 1, Image 2...), referenced with the corresponding APA norms or international catalogue and museum norms, as appropriate. See References. 



Pictures must be correctly cited and referenced in the text. The artistic quality of the pictures will be taken into account.  

Once the article has been accepted, high quality pictures will be requested in order to incorporate them in the layout process.



Papers should be between 2500 and 4000 words in length, excluding abstract, keywords and references. They must contain a minimum of 10 bibliographical references.



Title in English and Spanish (and subtitle, if applicable). SEE TITTLE.
Resumen en español: maximum 150 words.
Palabras clave:  maximum 5 words.
Abstract en inglés: maximum 150 words.
Keywords: maximum 5 words.

Introduction (About 500 words).
Body text: It should include objectives, methodology, visual tools, pedagogical argumentation, artistic argumentation and artistic references (between 1500 and 3000 words).
Conclusions (Approximately 500 words).


Each section or chapter of the article will be numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., 2.1, 2.2., etc.) trying to use the minimum number of subdivisions possible, due to the brevity of the texts.

The use of footnotes and secondary citations should be avoided, thus facilitating a smooth reading of the text. If footnotes are used, they should be numbered with Arabic numerals and correctly referenced in the text of the article.



The work will have a minimum of ten bibliographical references and, both these and the citations throughout the text, will be in accordance with APA standards (v. 7, seventh edition, 2020), and the authors should be aware of the minor modifications that have been made in this edition with respect to previous editions. The use of footnotes and secondary citations should be avoided, thus facilitating a smooth reading of the text.

APA standards do not include specific data for naming works of art (dimensions, techniques, supports, etc.), so in this case we will use the standards of international catalogues and museums. Some examples are given below:

Analogue photography

If the photograph is in a library, archive or professional agency:

Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions in centimetres height x width. Library or Agency. URL.

If the photograph is in a museum:

Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions in centimetres height x width. Museum, City, Country. URL.

Digital photography

Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Digital photography. Agency. URL.

If the photograph is in a museum, then:

Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Digital photograph. Agency or Museum, City, Country. URL.


Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions in millimetres height x width mm. Museum, City, Country. URL.


Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions in centimetres height x width cm. Museum, City, Country. URL.


Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions in centimetres height x width x depth cm. Museum, City, Country. URL.


Surname/s, N. (year). Title [translation if not in English]. Technique and support. Dimensions of the image in millimetres height x width mm, dimensions of the support in millimetres height x width mm. Museum, City, Country. URL.