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María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández
University of A Coruna
Vol. 01 No. 013 (2014), Articles (open section), pages 19-42
Submitted: Dec 4, 2018 Accepted: Dec 4, 2018
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The purpose of this research is to study the relationship between the main elements of quality practices and moral legitimacy in the institutional context of the hotels of three, four and five star located in the Northern Region of Portugal. The theoretical framework in which we support our study is the Institutional Theory, which is founded on three pillars regulative, normative and mimetic
(Scott, 1995). The main focus of this theory is legitimacy, a key factor for the organization (Meyer and Rowan, 1997; Schuman, 1995; Deephouse, 1996; Egels-Zandén and Wahlqvist, 2007, among others). Ahlstron and Bruton (2001); Chen, Grifth and Hu (2006) and Diez, Blanco and Prado (2010) recognize that legitimacy is vital because its deterioration or loss can take the business to fail. In this paper we carried out a quantitative research on the technique of factor analysis was applied to test the reliability of the scale of proposed measures our object of study. We study the institutional environment, quality practices and moral legitimacy of the hotels (we use the descriptive statistical analysis).

The empirical evidence from this study shows that the main stakeholders in the moral legitimacy of the organization are employees and customers in the implementation of quality practices. This implies that the company focuses its moral legitimacy strategies to properly manage towards these stakeholders. Finally note that the results of this study are important for managers of organizations, acquire special relevance decision makers in the areas of strategic management, marketing and media.


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