Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The work is original, has not been published previously and is not in the process of being reviewed by another journal. Manuscripts will be analysed using iThenticate plagiarism checker software (Similarity Check).
  • The manuscript has been formatted as a docx file
  • The following details for each of the authors have been included in the OJS submission: name, surname, institution, email, ORCID (available at: http://orcid.org).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic, formatting and referencing requirements outlined in the Publishing Guidelines
  • To allow double-blind peer review, the manuscript has been blinded and contains no identifying information about the authors (no author names mentioned, use of title for docx file name) or any other potentially identifying elements (e.g. frequent self-citation, projects, funding sources).
  • The authors have read and accepted the journal’s ethics code and promise to uphold and abide by its terms.
  • The author declares that he/she is acting in representation of the other authors of the article.




The manuscript must follow the structure indicated in the following section (ARTICLE STRUCTURE).

The adaptation to the editing standards (section PUBLISHING GUIDELINES) will not be necessary until the submission is accepted, and must be complied with afterwards.

The author(s) undertake(s) to translate the final version of the manuscript into English, once it has been approved by the editorial committee. Such translation must be endorsed by a professional. The objective of this measure is to increase the publication's international visibility.



Manuscripts must be original, not have been published previously in any other medium, and not be in the process of being reviewed by another journal.

  • Maximum length of articles: 6500 words, including title, abstracts, keywords, tables and references.
  • Recommended length of book reviews: 700-1500 words.
  • Maximum 4 authors.
  • The author may publish in Redmarka a maximum of 1 article within the current year.

All article manuscripts submitted for publication should include:

  • Title in Spanish: maximum two lines (preferably one line), 80 characters (including spaces)
  • Title in English
  • Abstract in Spanish (100-150 words): concise description of the reasons for the study and the aims, methodology, main results and conclusions of the research
  • Abstract in English (machine translation not permitted)
  • Keywords in Spanish (5 words): lower case, separated by commas
  • Keywords in English (5 words): lower case, separated by commas

The main text in Spanish should follow the structure outlined below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical framework (divided into sections, if necessary)
  3. Methodology
  4. Results
  5. Conclusions
  6. Acknowledgements (optional)
  7. References



Manuscripts must adhere strictly to the publishing guidelines provided by the journal, as detailed in the following manuscript template


  • Manuscript files should be sent in docx format.
  • Maximum length of articles: 6500 words, including title, abstracts, keywords, tables and references.
  • Recommended length of book reviews: 700-1500 words.
  • Margins: 2.5cm top and bottom; 4cm right and left.
  • Spacing: 0 pt before and after paragraph; 1.2 pt multiple line spacing.
  • The first line of the manuscript should contain the title in Spanish in lower case, Gill Sans (bold), font size 14, with multiple line spacing at 1 pt. The title should be centred and occupy no more than two lines (preferably one). The title should have a maximum length of 80 characters (spaces included).
  • The second line of the manuscript should contain the title in English in lower case, Gill Sans (normal), font size 12, with multiple line spacing at 1 pt. The title should be centred and occupy no more than two lines (preferably one). The title should have a maximum length of 80 characters (spaces included).
  • Next should come the abstract in Spanish (100-150 words), containing a concise description of the reasons for the study and the aims, methodology, main results and conclusions of the research. The text of the abstract should be separated from the title in English by two paragraph spaces, fully justified and formatted in Gill Sans, font size 11, with multiple line spacing at 1.2 pt. Abstracts should not include citations.
  • A line of keywords in Spanish (5-10 words) should follow, separated from the abstract by one paragraph space. Keywords should be fully justified and formatted in Gill Sans, font size 11, with multiple line spacing at 1.2 pt.
  • The words ‘Resumen’ and ‘Palabras clave’ should appear in bold.
  • The same process should be repeated underneath for the abstract and keywords in English (machine translation is not permitted).
  • The main body of the text should begin two paragraph spaces below the English keywords, and should be fully justified and formatted in Gill Sans, font size 11, with multiple line spacing at 1.2 pt.
  • All manuscripts should contain the following sections: Introduction. 2. Theoretical framework (sections and subsections should be headed as indicated below). 3. Methodology. 4. Results. 5. Discussion and conclusions. 6. Acknowledgements (optional). 7. References.
  • Authors may use a maximum of three heading levels, which should be numbered manually using Arabic numerals. Automatic numbering should not be used. Section and subsection headings should be fully justified, formatted in Gill Sans, font size 11, and use capital letters, boldface and italics as follows: FIRST HEADING, 1.1. Second heading, 1.1.1. Third heading. Headings should not be more than one line in length.
  • Tables, figures and images should be placed within the text at the appropriate points and numbered using Arabic numerals. The title and source should be centred and placed above the corresponding figure. Graphs and tables should be sized to fit the margins of the text, and all text should be formatted in Gill Sans. Font size 9 is acceptable, provided the text is legible. The editors may request a copy of all tables and figures in their original format.
  • Notes should be avoided as a rule, and written as footnotes where necessary. Footnotes should be fully justified, formatted in Gill Sans (font size 8), and numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals.
  • URLs (including footnote references and citations) should be active and written as they appear in the manuscript template. The color code of these URLs is: RGB color, 255 red, 255 green, 255 blue. HEX: #FFFFFF
  • The text of the bibliography should be fully justified. The bibliography should be created manually and list only items referred to or cited in the paper. References should be listed in alphabetical order, should not be divided into sections, and should adhere strictly to the following guidelines:
  • Books and monographs

Piketty, T. (2015). El capital en el siglo XXI. RBA.

  • Book chapters

Cuerdo Mir, M. (2009). Problemas ambientales internacionales. En José Antonio Alonso (Dir.), Lecciones sobre economía mundial: introducción al desarrollo y a las relaciones económicas internacionales (4ª ed., pp. 144-168). Aranzadi.

  • Print journal articles

Delgado Cabeza, M. (2010). El sistema agroalimentario globalizado: imperios alimentarios, y degradación social y ecológica. Revista de Economía Crítica, (10), 32-61.

  • Online journal articles

Febrero, E., and Uxó, J. (2011). Constraints and alternatives for employment and output growth: Spain during the great recession. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19(1), 63-81. https://doi.org/10.1080/14782804.2011.554194

  • Conference papers

Orden, M. C., González, A. C., and Blázquez, J. J. (2013). Los «bancos malos» como mecanismo de saneamiento del sector bancario: experiencias pasadas y el caso español. En Juan José García Machado (coord.). Nuevos horizontes en administración (pp. 15-24). Acta presentada en XXVII Congreso Anual AEDEM, Huelva 7-9 Junio. Huelva: Universidad.

  • Reports

Arribas Barreras, V., Josa, E., Bravo Durán, S., García Hildjding, I., and San Miguel Arregui, P. (2016). Informe: el sector de la moda en España: retos y desafios. http://observatoriomodaespañola.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/INFORME.pdf

  • Undergraduate dissertations, Master’s/PhD theses

Carpente Porral, D. (2016). Análisis de los estados financieros de Atresmedia: el reflejo de la crisis en la industria televisiva española (Trabajo fin de grado, Universidade da Coruña). http://ruc.udc.es/dspace/handle/2183/18162

  • Websites

European Union. (2017). Official website of the European Union. https://europa.eu/european-union/index_en (do not shorten URL) 



Manuscripts must be submitted using the OJS submission platform and not by email.



Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged within 15 days of submission.

Redmarka operates a system of double-blind peer review by two anonymous experts in the area covered by the article, outside the editorial team and the publishing institution.

Authors are encouraged to share the data used, where appropriate, to support the validation of research results in the evaluation process. For this, a "readme.txt" file must be used to guarantee double-blind review. It can be downloaded at the following link: modelo_redaccion_readme_eng relleno_anonimo.txt 

After review, the editors will recommend that the manuscript be ‘accepted’, ‘accepted with minor modifications’, ‘accepted with major modifications’ or ‘rejected’.

Manuscripts accepted for consideration by the journal will be sent for peer review, which will be completed within 45 days. The manuscript will be subjected to as many reviews (expert peer and editorial) as deemed necessary by the editors. Authors will be notified of the results of each evaluation.

Prior to publication, the author(s) will receive a PDF proof of the manuscript for verification and minor corrections. The editors will require the contribution of the authors in the article through the following document https://udcgal-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/matias_membiela_udc_es/EXu7KLt1KGJLm5wpO-lKJeIB6M-HF3wJxRJGoNs-GfH1AQ?e=cjYCYZ



  • Scientific interest and news of the work
  • Abstract and keywords: the abstract must concisely describe the reason and objective of the research, the methodology used, the most important results and main conclusions.
  • Drafting the manuscript: simplicity, conciseness, synthesis capacity and clarity are valued.
  • Organization of the article: the article proposal must be structured based on the following sections: Introduction, theoretical framework, methodology, results, conclusions and references.
  • Methodology: appropriate to achieve the proposed objectives.
  • Results: they must be presented clearly and be consistent with the objectives.
  • Conclusions: consistent with the results and capable of indicating theoretical and professional implications. 
  • References: it is essential that they are current, from official sources of information and in accordance with the theme of the article proposal.



Since 2024, Redmarka publishes project notes with the aim of showcasing initiatives arising from competitive calls, both at the national and international levels, focusing on the field of marketing and related areas such as business management, communication, and new technologies.
The project notes will be sent through the magazine's platform, selecting the "Project Notes" section and adapting to the template. They will be submitted via the magazine's platform, choosing the relevant "Project Notes" section, and conforming to the established template forma (plantilla_nota_proyecto.docx)


Intellectual property rights over articles published by Redmarka. Revista de marketing aplicado are owned by the author.

Unless otherwise stated, all articles published by the journal in its online edition are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) use and distribution licence.




The names and email addresses published by Redmarka. Revista de marketing aplicado will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and may not be used for any other purpose or by any other party.