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Ana Lage González
MeteoGalicia. Xunta de Galicia
Natalia Solovieva Soloviev
MeteoGalicia. Xunta de Galicia
Ángeles Lago Núñez
MeteoGalicia. Xunta de Galicia
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020), Resources and social tools, pages 109-117
Submitted: Jun 15, 2020 Published: Jun 30, 2020
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This paper treats the work of MeteoGalicia, dependent of the Department of Environment, Territory and Housing, within the scope of the Environmental Education, through its participation in the plan Proxecta of the Department of Education, with MeteoEscolas. The methodology that is followed in MeteoEscolas is the projects based learning, which is based on the interdisciplinary studio, in this case of the Meteorology and Climatology, involving the different subjects that build up the academic curriculum in the educational stages. The result will be a project with the activities developed by the school center, with the participation of the whole educational community.


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Lage González, Ana; Lago Núñez, Ángeles; SSolovieva Soloviev, Natalia (2017): “Ciencia e educación, sempre xuntas” en la revista EDUGA da Consellería de Educación da Xunta de Galicia, 2017.

Lage González, Ana; Lago Núñez, Ángeles, Solovieva Soloviev, Natalia (2017): “Como acercar la Meteorología a la comunidad educativa: proyecto MeteoEscolas” en la Revista del Aficionado a la Meteorología (RAM), en Reportajes el 23 de enero de 2017.

Lage González, Ana (2014): “Educación basada en proxectos. Experiencia en MeteoGalicia”, en XXVII Congreso de ENCIGA (Asociación de Ensinantes de Ciencias de Galicia).

Lage González, Ana; Lago Núñez, ´´Ángeles (2011): Revisión científica. Meteoroloxía, unidade didáctica, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas. Xunta de Galicia.

Lage González, Ana; Castillo Rodríguez, Francisco; Salsón Casado, Santiago (2009): Actividades didácticas de Meteoroloxía e Climatoloxía. Xunta de Galicia.