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Luiz Roberto Mayr
National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
Claudia de Oliveira Faria Salema
National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
Vol. 26 No. 1-2 (2019), Bank of best practices, pages 87-100
Submitted: May 24, 2020 Published: Dec 22, 2019
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Inmetro’s Environmental Education team has sought to raise awareness in favor of biodiversity conservation, based on the 2030 Agenda, especially among the institution’s management staff. Its laboratory campus occupies a central position in relation to four rain forest conservation units and contributes to the connectivity between remnants in the fragmented landscape of Rio de Janeiro’s outskirts. Through Environmental Education, it opens way for practices that minimize negative environmental impacts and promote the recovery of riverside areas and degraded slopes. The main strategy is to promote events in the campus with the participation of students from and the involvement of entities that participate in the advisory councils of protected areas. Internal communication of these events, and their outcomes, can reach everybody, below and above in the institution hierarchy. The campus central place in the landscape corresponds to a centrality in relation to the interested parties, placing the institution, as a bridge organization, in a prime position to articulate environmental initiatives for sustainable development. This paper presents aspects of the most recent work of the Environmental Education at Inmetro and its perspectives for the future.


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