Implementation and consolidation of equipment for environmental education

Considerations on strategies to be outlined and adopted




territorial equity, facilities for environmental education, continental Portugal, low density territory, sustainability


Facilities for Environmental Education (EqEA) has the potential of being an effective social facilitator, whilst stimulating a sustainable community development. The present paper aims to promote “Facilities for Environmental Education”, a book that through site visits and surveys, alongside the professional photography of António Borba and the modern and elegant design of Luís Gabriel, unveils sixteen EqEA located in the inner northern and central continental Portuguese regions. The work targets a wide audience comprised of environmental educators and EqEA managers, decision-makers, entrepreneurs and potential equipment’s visitors/users. It intends to contribute towards an urgent reflection and discussion about the role of this environmental education resource – the EqEA – both in the present day and near future, in light of the current National Strategy for Environmental Education of Portugal. A result from the “Facilities for environmental education for a sustainable new Earth culture” project, which combined the efforts of the universities of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal), São Paulo (Brazil) and A Coruña (Galicia), this book points out guidelines, challenges and opportunities that can foster a fairer socio-environmental experience and underlines the need for an EqEA network to be developed, if territorial equity is to be achieved, especially in low density territories.


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How to Cite

Correia Marques, M., Sorrentino, M., & Serantes-Pazos, A. (2019). Implementation and consolidation of equipment for environmental education: Considerations on strategies to be outlined and adopted. AmbientalMENTEsustentable, 26(1-2), 35–44.



Trajectories and challenges