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Kylyan Marc Bisquert i Pérez
SEPA-Interea, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 23-24 No. 1 (2017), Environmental education, interpretation and conservation, pages 141-163
Submitted: Mar 15, 2018 Accepted: Mar 15, 2018 Published: Mar 30, 2018
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Santiago de Compostela has municipal urban gardens since 2008 thanks to a pilot project of allotment instalation in Belvís park, related with a strategy of the city council for diversify the green zones uses including a healthy leisure way. The aims were the recovery of traditional knowledge, the landscape improve and the ecological agriculture promotion. Nine years after, with the new instalations as answer to the citizen demand, the city has a network with five spaces more and around two hundred allotments. Participating profile is diverse, wich allows intergenerational relationships and the emergence of comunitary dinamics. However, despite it social and educative potential, there isn’t an Environmental Education program since 2011. This work expects to emphasise the relevance of these equipments to promote a sustainable feeding and the citizen reconciliation with the cultural and biological heritage of the Galician agroecosystems. For that, it goes in depth in this experience since the protagonists view by semistructured interviews to users and technic and politic reponsibles, complemented with a discussion group. Definetily, it hopes to arouse a reflection about implications of these initiatives for the build of a social and environmental sutainability culture in the Galician urban contexts.


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