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Luísa Schmidt
ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
João Guerra
ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
Joaquim Ramos Pinto
Vol. 23-24 No. 1 (2017), Environmental education, field identity and public policies, pages 11-23
Submitted: Mar 15, 2018 Accepted: Mar 15, 2018 Published: Mar 30, 2018
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Portuguese-speaking countries are at different levels in promoting Environmental Education (EA). A first survey conducted in 2017 shows that EA is mostly the responsibility of the Ministries of Environment and Education, with a role reserved for local administration and schools. While more significant in Brazil and Portugal, public support is widespread in most countries. The support of international organisations is mainly found in African countries and East-Timor while, albeit at different levels, national NGOs, foundations and national companies are present in all countries and contexts. In sum, although unevenly and in some countries still embryonic, these early results demonstrate that EA has already entered the public and political agendas of all Portuguese speaking countries. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of implementation, to improve public policies, and to ensure greater resilience to face the coming challenges, it is of particular importance to deepening the analysis and the knowledge of the EE field in the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries.


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