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Regina Silva
Grupo Pesquisador em Educação Ambiental, Comunicação e Arte (GPEA) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT)
Michelle Jaber
Grupo Pesquisador em Educação Ambiental, Comunica ção e Arte (GPEA) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). (Brasil)
Michèle Sato
Grupo Pesquisador em Educação Ambiental, Comunica ção e Arte (GPEA) da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT). (Brasil)
Vol. 01 No. 013-014 (2012), Theoretical frameworks, pages 7-23
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015 Published: Dec 1, 2012
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The locus of this research is the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, an area that offers many natural beauties and rich biodiversity coupled to a mosaic of identities that form a large network woven by social groups that spread across the state and fight for a decent life in a protected environment. Contrast this landscape results from relentless pursuit of economic growth, economic activity centered on agribusiness, characterized by continuous monoculture areas, most of the production destined for export. This model is also commonly characterized by the concentration of land, converting huge areas of forests into monoculture in farming, in power plants and other activities aimed at immediate pro fit, expropriating vulnerable social groups and causing significant environmental conflicts. The aim of this paper is to present an understanding of these dynamics so different that is present in this territory, in fruitful dialogue with the construction of “Map of the social groups of Mato Grosso” and “Map of socioenvironmental conflicts of Mato Grosso.” These mappings have been proposed and implemented by the Research Group on Environmental Education, Communication and the Arts (GPEA) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) with the important contribution of many partners. For this purpose, we developed an innovative methodology called Social Map, which was based on self-narratives of different social groups. The results presented provide an overview of the current situation, a picture - even temporarily - of different social groups and conflicts that pulsate in the territories of Mato Grosso. From an Environmental Education which aims at social transformation with ecological responsibility, we point out how this research has become a reference for researchers, governments and civil society. Environmental education in dialogue with the social map reinforces the value of culture, in the daring idea of reconstructing the sustainable societies that re-signify values such as en vironmental justice, belonging and democracy.


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