A Perola magazine and the Helen Keller School for Children: inclusive pedagogy in Portugal in the 1960s





pedagogic innovation, school magazine, special education, visual impairment


The Helen Keller School for Children was a landmark initiative in the pedagogical history of disability in Portugal in the 20th century. The school was created as part of the Mod-ern School Movement and catered for children with different types of visual impairment. This article focuses on the school magazine A Pérola, which featured work created by the students themselves, reflecting the spirit of cooperation between students and teachers. Printed in text and Braille, the magazine was both a record of day-to-day life at the school and a means of disseminating the institution’s pedagogical model: inclusion of others, harmonisation of differ-ence, celebration of pedagogical diversity, and preparation of students for their social, academ-ic and professional lives afterwards through the experience of inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Romeiras Amado, M. (2023). A Perola magazine and the Helen Keller School for Children: inclusive pedagogy in Portugal in the 1960s. Sarmiento. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Historia Da Educación, 27, 273–293. https://doi.org/10.17979/srgphe.2023.27.0.10136


