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Diana Gonçalves Vidal
University of São Paulo
Rafaela Silva Rabelo
University of São Paulo
Vol. 25 (2021), Monograph, pages 23-50
Submitted: Jul 8, 2021 Published: Jul 8, 2021
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The article examines the impact of the ideas and practices of the New Education movement on pedagogical discourse today using the concepts of utopia and formula. The analysis focuses on three hubs of connection and encounter between educators in the twentieth century: the New Education Fellowship (known in Latin countries as the Ligue Internationale pour l’Education Nouvelle), and the systematic training initiatives of  the Teachers College and the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute. Other initiatives, such as the Progressive Education Association, the International Bureau of Education and the International Bureau of New Schools, are also discussed within this context. The aim of the study is to analyse the networks responsible for promoting the spread of the utopian pedagogical ideas of New Education in different countries and broadening its interpretation, as reflected in the terminological mosaic associated with the movement.


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