Contemporary religious architecture

The state of the art


  • Esteban Fernández-Cobián Universidade da Coruña



Religious architecture, contemporarity, concepts, liturgy, research


As the coordinator of this I International Conference on Contemporary Religious Architecture «Architectures of the sacred: Memory and Project», I believe it is my turn to make a general introduction. The purpose is that all of you who are not acquainted with the subject of this conference may be able to frame properly all of the speeches to be heard during the next three days. For this reason, my paper will provide you with a general scenario. I believe that this is the easiest way to understand the topics to be discussed and to get a reasonable idea of the debates held during the next three days.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Cobián, E. (2007). Contemporary religious architecture: The state of the art. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 1, 8–37.

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