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Diego Martínez-Serna
European Atlantic University
Francisco Javier Cies Valleras
European University of the Atlantic
Carlos Lago-Fuentes
European Atlantic University
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2024), Original papers, pages 300-313
Submitted: Feb 19, 2024 Accepted: Apr 24, 2024 Published: May 1, 2024
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The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of explosive strength training on under-14 footballers in the youth category. The sample consisted of 12 children in the youth category (12-13 years old), who underwent a training program focused on explosive strength consisting of 7 sessions (2 sessions per week). Additionally, CMJ (Countermovement Jump) and 10x5m tests were conducted before and after the program to observe differences in the results. The variables analyzed were jump height in CMJ and 10x5m execution time. The results were positive but not statistically significant in the CMJ (p>0.005, p=0.414, d= 3.11 and 2.536). The players improved jump height in the post-test (+0.4 cm) overall. In RSA 10x5m (p=0.063, d pretest=0.947, d post-test= 0.958), the players reduced execution time overall (-0.4 sec). A strength training program based on explosive strength slightly improves the jump height in CMJ and the running time in RSA 10X5m.


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