Contido principal do artigo

Isabel Cristina Moura Carvalho
Universidade Luterana do Brasil
Vol. 01 N.º 03 (2007), Marco teórico, Páxinas 19-31
Recibido: jul. 1, 2015
Como Citar


This article discuss the resources offered by the biographic methods about life trajectory analysis, particularly by the contributions of hermeneutic think, focusing the works by Paul RicoueR (Time and Narrative) and GadameR (Truth and method) on the interrelations between the experience and its symbolic articulation in the auto-relates, understanding as narrative way. These theoretical and methodological considerations are contextualizing, in several times in the article, having as reference a study previously realized about trajectories in the environmental field, research locus where this methodological view was applied.


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