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Helena Caçador
Leiria Polytechnic Institute
Isabel Rebelo
Leiria Polytechnic Institute
Olga Santos
Leiria Polytechnic Institute
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020), Resources and social tools, pages 119-129
Submitted: Jun 21, 2020 Published: Jun 30, 2020
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Environmental Literacy is an unavoidable subject in the century. XXI, for environmental issues, such as extreme climate change, which can be crucial in preserving biodiversity and quality of life on our Planet (Moreno & Mafra, 2019). In this way, there is an urgent commitment from “everyone” to promote more active and conscious action to solve current environmental problems and prevent future ones. Educating is an objective of society and in particular of the educational system (Sanches, 2011). The school constitutes a second “home” for future adults, so it presents itself as the most favorable environment in the acquisition of new skills, namely those related to Environmental Literacy, in a gesture of mutual respect between oneself and the other. The present work relates to a study of Environmental Literacy evidenced by a group of students who attend the 6th year of Basic Education. According to Spínola (2011, p. 290) citing Hungerford & Volk (1990) and Hollweg et. al. (2011), the conceptualization of Environmental Literacy includes the “mastery of four interrelated components: knowledge, dispositions, competences and environmentally friendly behaviors”. Of these four components, previously mentioned, two stood out, the objective of the study, knowledge and environmentally friendly behaviors.


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