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Beatriz M. Guerra
Colectivo #EA26
David Gutiérrez
Colectivo #EA26
María José Molina
Colectivo #EA26
Sonia Calvo
Colectivo #EA26c
Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020), Bank of best practices, pages 147-161
Submitted: Jun 16, 2020 Published: Jun 30, 2020
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#EA26 is a cyber-activist movement for environmental education that emerged in social networks to, from them, give it visibility and create networks for ecosocial action according to the principles of the White Paper on Environmental Education. Since 2014, #EA26 has developed debates, interviews, campaigns and cyber interactions in the digital space. And, in a complementary way, it has also participated in face-to-face actions organizing two state meetings of environmental educators and has participated in international events such as COP26. The keys to the movement are horizontality, participation, the voluntary collaboration of its members and agility in responding to initiatives and opportunities for action. The contributions to Environmental Education have been reflected in the visibility of the sector, awakening the sense of belonging, being a benchmark and generating impact. #EA26 manifests the actions of Environmental Education as essential political micro-actions to promote the necessary eco-social change in the face of the imminent global crisis that the planet is facing.


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