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Soledad Gil Portela
University of Santiago de Compostela
Paloma Blanco Anaya
University of Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2018), Trajectories and challenges, pages 45-55
Submitted: Jan 16, 2019 Published: Apr 30, 2020
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The article explores the role of ecofeminist movement in the development of Environmental Education, its background, its definition and the Spanish women that represent this movement.
In the 70s, coinciding with the time when the term Environmental Education was coined, the ecofeminist movement was born at the hands of French Françoise d'Eaubonne. Investigating the information of the Spanish ecofeminist voices, it is intended to analyse the origins and consequences of ecofeminism in society and its impact on the history of Spanish EE.
There are many women who actively carried out an arduous struggle for the protection of the environment and nature and for the manifestation of the importance that the natural environment had in the educational context. A clear example were sisters Blanca and Clotilde Catalán or Leonor Serrano Pablo and Gloria Giner de los Ríos. At the present, the ecofeminists Alicia Puleo and Yayo Herrero stand out.


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