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Júlio Resende
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
Michèle Sato
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2018), Theoretical frameworks, pages 41-58
Submitted: Nov 2, 2018 Published: Jan 1, 2018
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Modernity privileged techniques, neglecting other subjective dimensions, such as human values, concepts of happiness, spirituality or feelings. In the labyrinth of excessive rationality, some people seek some way out that allows an escape from freedom, and existential reflections that are not limited to logic, but also in meanings, beliefs or spiritualities. Education can play a more integrating role, combining the dialogue between concepts and affections. The Norwegian Arne Naess postulated a deep ecology that would not be on the surface of things and changes, but that there would be more human involvement with nature, with spirituality and other dimensions marginalized by positivist logic. Through these principles of deep ecology and a dialogue with the Zen principles, we present and debate the Silence Project, which provides a set of meditative practices at school and university, culminating in a collective eight-hour dive, submerged in the Silence as a pact of the group. After these experiences, 23 interviews were carried out, which revealed the silence also as a form of communication between the human and the environment, between the Self and the Other phenomenological, as well as source of learning of a existencial search.


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