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Declaration Samé Nuna
Ministerio de Educaçio-Aveiro
Sao Tome and Principe
Vol. 23-24 No. 1 (2017), Documents, pages 401-404
Submitted: Mar 16, 2018 Accepted: Mar 16, 2018 Published: Mar 30, 2018
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Given the scale, richness and academic, social and cultural complexity of the products that arrived at the reporting committee, giving an account of the visions, recommendations, proposals, challenges and reflections, the result of the panels, presentation of communications, plenary conferences, round tables, from the side events and other activities of the congress, we are aware, due to our own human nature, that the proposal presented here is more a set of intuitions than of conclusions.
At the opening, the President of Príncipe asked us a question that could be part of the philosophy of the network of environmental educators in Portuguese-speaking countries and Galicia: how can we still build hope, within our communities, after the exhaustion of some certainties that, in some cases, we assumed were timeless and even had cultural support, apparently irreplaceable, that supported our old idea of ​​economic and social progress?
This statement points out possible lines to answer that question. In this sense, we start from the need for the CPLP and all the entities involved to support the following general points.


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