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João Guerra
ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
Luísa Schmidt
ICS-Universidade de Lisboa
Vol. 23-24 No. 1 (2017), Environmental education and climate change, pages 63-73
Submitted: Mar 15, 2018 Accepted: Mar 15, 2018 Published: Mar 30, 2018
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Assuming the strategic role of municipalities, local communities, and Environmental education in the joint e ort to climate change response, the ClimAdaPT.Local project aimed to launch a set of Municipal Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change and its integration into municipal planning. The objective was to achieve this goal by developing tools and methodologies, by training local technical sta of 26 municipalities, and by empowering of local actors. This last factor emerged as a sine qua non condition to reach the planned goals and to provide new opportunities for individual and social transformation that can enhance local and global resilience. For this end, within other local actors, teachers of all levels have been mobilised, as well as their formative experience, and their pedagogical capacity to promote individual and collective re ection. This chapter is focused on results of a questionnaire survey, and will draw some conclusions from a comparative analysis that posits the added value of teachers in the community mobilisation process, and confronts their positions, capacities and predispositions with other local actors equally mobilised for adaptation and environment protection.


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