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Raimundo Alberto Mulhaisse
Universidade Pedagógica (Mozambique)
Vol. 01 No. 021 (2016), Theoretical frameworks, pages 7-28
Submitted: Oct 18, 2016 Published: Jun 15, 2016
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The investigation that will be presented at the III International Congress of Environmental Education is framed in the thematic theme: Environmental Education, Interpretation and Conservation and describes the potential of Sierra de Gorongosa for the practice of Education resulting from adoption. local communities, with traditional control mechanisms of conduct of their members that will lead them to develop actions historically leading to the conservation of some ecosystems of the Sierra de Gorongosa. The investigation intends to present some procedures for the realization of field classes for the practice of Environmental Education, using the Sierra de Gorongosa as a didactic resource. One of the great difficulties of the Mozambican school consists of providing an integral training to the city so that it acquires and develops the intellectual and physical skills and the polytechnic, aesthetic and ethical education, without having to deny the cultural specificities and the identity of the groups. that make up the Mozambican society. To carry out this investigation, an interview was conducted with four family heads, one in each community. The daily observation of twenty families was also carried out over a period of weeks. The investigation allowed us to understand that taboes and magical-religious practices have a strict connection with sacred places and cultural function, such a relationship is manifested by the symbology, by the language, by the concepts and terms typical of the community, manipulated by the régulo and his followers. In this way, the different ecosystems acquire a sacred value and their own symbolic meaning. So, the mountain can become a system that allows students, at different school levels, to establish the connection between theory and practice, to develop the affective value and, therefore, to assume a relevant role in Environmental Education.


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Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre:, Acessado no dia 28 de Maio de 2015.