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Miguel Pardellas Santiago
Universidade de Santiago de CompostelaGrupo SEPA
Pablo Á. Meira Cartea
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Grupo SEPA
Lucía Iglesias da Cunha
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Grupo SEPA
Vol. 02 No. 020 (2015), Environmental education, in schools and universities, pages 1171-1185
Submitted: Jun 10, 2016 Published: Dec 14, 2015
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From an educational perspective, the initiatives framed in the movement of "transition towns" contain the necessary elements to be considered a valid methodology to address the problems of Climate Change and the Peak Oil through a community dynamic. On the other hand, universities, as possible references in the search for solutions to the environmental crisis, despite the experiences of environmentalization promoted in recent years, are far from being low environmental impact entities and there are doubts about their ability to train citizens professionals critical and committed to the challenges of the environmental crisis. In this context, a multiple case study was developed that analyzes from an educational-environmental perspective the experience of three universities in transition: the University of Santiago de Compostela, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Minho. The aim is to assess the potential of the transition methodology to overcome a hypothetical "glass ceiling" that hinders the environmentalization of university institutions. The analysis notes the existence of a glass ceiling in university environmentalization strategies, unable to subvert, even through innovative methodologies such as transition, academic, corporate, organizational, and cultural structures and dynamics that tend to reproduce its unsustainability.


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