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Alicia Díaz Balado
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Carmen Morán de Castro
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Germán Vargas Calleja
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 02 No. 020 (2015), Environmental education, in schools and universities, pages 771-788
Submitted: Jun 10, 2016 Published: Dec 14, 2015
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The purpose of this article is to present one of the study methodologies -and initial results- on which the research project “Culture of sustainability and development cooperation: reality and educational perspectives in Galicia and the Dominican Republic (PR815 A 2014-17, Call) 2014 of Subsidies in Research for the Development of the General Direction of External Relations of the Xunta de Galicia). The project aims to analyze the discourse on the culture of sustainability and development cooperation integrated in the textbooks corresponding to the baccalaureate level in Galicia, by selecting 8 textbooks, four in the field of Social Sciences and another four of Natural and Exact Sciences, in both territories. The textbook is understood as a basic tool in the orientation of teaching practice and the contents transmitted, based on the fact that all selection and approach is an ideological position in relation to the type of people we want to train and for which societies. The analysis tool is presented below and is reflected around its possibilities of application, taking as an example of study the book of Biology and Geology of 1º of Baccalaureate of Galicia and another Biology, of 3º average, of the Dominican Republic.


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