Water, public health and environmental education - essential paths for the construction of social values, quality of life and sustainability





wather, fish, health, education, semi-arid


This work presents environmental education actions developed in the municipality of Tuparetama, in the hinterland of Pajeú-Nordeste do Brasil. The project was the result of a partnership between universities and local schools with the aim of discussing topics such as water, public health and the environment. To achieve the goals, environmental education workshops, lectures, courses on sanitary hygiene, quality, management, water cycle and abstraction were carried out, and printed and digital materials were used to disseminate knowledge. The results showed that it is possible to successfully associate research, teaching and university extension in the same project. This partnership between Universities and the community has brought visible benefits to both parties. In particular, it was possible to observe at the end of the work, the increase in the interest of our students in social and environmental issues and the strengthening of citizenship values. The inclusion of the study involving fish in the region was essential for raising people's awareness and joining the project. In addition, digital tools ensured free access to data and the preservation of records.


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How to Cite

Torres Calazans, G. M., & Max Brunken, H. (2015). Water, public health and environmental education - essential paths for the construction of social values, quality of life and sustainability. AmbientalMENTEsustentable, 02(020), 393–417. https://doi.org/10.17979/ams.2015.02.020.1616



Environmental education, interpretation and conservation