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Pedro Morais
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
António Dinis Ferreira
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
Javier Benayas
Universidade Autónoma de Madrid
Vol. 01 No. 019 (2015), Resources and social tools, pages 89-107
Submitted: May 26, 2016 Accepted: May 26, 2016 Published: Jun 15, 2015
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Environmental Interpretation Centers (CIAm) are support structures for visitors who, having different origins, objectives and ways of functioning, use heritage interpretation strategies to interconnect visitors with local natural resources. Between strong criticism and high praise, covered by different denominations and formats, and presented good and bad practices, it is important to know the reality of the Portuguese Ciam so that articulation strategies can be improved and developed. The results of a general analysis of the Cia carried out in Portugal between 2012 and 2014 are presented in order to understand their vocation in supporting tourist activities with a strong component of environmental education and in the valorisation and protection of the natural heritage. The present work shows that these centers play an important role in the enhancement of natural areas, although they still have little planning and organization, either at the level of each center, or between the different centers that could operate in a network and develop more assertive actions. Among the aspects to be improved, the attraction of visitors and the use of interpretation techniques are highlighted. There are also regional differences that need to be considered so that these structures can evolve in the future and significantly increase their contribution to more sustainable tourism.


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